第4回 秋の英文法ランダムトレーニング




Eita had an old dog called Taro.





I want you to find the poster.




:Who ( talking manthat with was) you at the station yesterday ?

:That was my uncle.



: What is his name?

: Kenji. But ( ア friends  イ his  ウ Ken  エ call  オ him).





:What ( the   イ is   month  エ day  オ of ) it today?

:It's February 26.






(3)オウイアエ(Who was that man talking with you at the station yesterday?)


(4)イアエオウ(his friends call him Ken:彼の友達は、彼をケンと呼ぶ。call+A+B

(5)エオアウイ(What day of the month is it today?:今日は、(月のうち)何日ですか。)


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