第6回 秋の英文法ランダムトレーニング




John asked him to play soccer together.





What does the article written in 2001 tell us?





A: How  ( you often there been have ) before?

B: Four times.



(4)並べ替えなさい・平成26年 第4回実力テスト


A: I hear your brother wrote a new book.

B: Yes, I think the ( will  イhim  ウmake  エfamous  オbook )






He is a writer who created(創作した) a famous rabbit(うさぎの) character(キャラクター).






(3)イオアエウHow often have you been there before?(現在完了・経験)

(4)オアウイエ(I think the book will make him famous. makeAB




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