第17回 秋の英文法ランダムトレーニング



One of them ( live ) in Tokyo now.




:What are these pictures?

:They ( ア took  イ are  ウpictures エthe  オI ) in Kyoto.





:What are you doing?

:I’m ( written イbook by エ a reading) a famous American doctor.





(a) “Please come to my house," he said to me.

(b) He asked me to come to (  he  ) house.





: What kind ( do  イ of  ウ like  エyou  オ movies) best ?

:American movies.









(2)イエウオア「They are the pictures (that) I took in Kyoto. (関係代名詞)」

(3)オエイアウ「I’m reading a book written by a famous American doctor.(分詞)」


(5)イオアエウ「What kind of movies do you like best?


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